Ian on the Kolgrima

River: Kolgrima

Grid Reference: 64 deg 16′ N;   16 deg 20′ W.

Grade: Five IV falls with flat stretches in between.

Length: 2-3 km.

Date run: 1.07.91.

Weather conditions: Very hot and sunny.

River level: 1.4 on the gauge next to the second drop.

Significant portages: None.

Access arrangements

A track runs about 2 km up the east river bank. Four wheel drive would not be needed. It could easily be walked at the same time as inspecting the drops.


Get out after the bridge.


Ian on the Kolgrima

This river falls directly off the Vatnajokull ice cap. When we did it the water temperature was only 10°C. There were also numerous ice bergs floating about in the eddys.
Get on just above the first big rapid. Skirt past the right of the two stoppers and then head just left of the centre rock. The river heads left and then straight into another large fall. This should be inspected. Run on the left of the stoppers, paddle hard right and head for the V tongue. The large hole on the left is best avoided. Next is a tight right corner with a large pillow on the left followed by a large play wave and two deep holes.There is a grotty bit under the bridge. This could be the remains of a previous bridge and requires inspection. It can be shot down the middle of the second gap from the left.